Redemption of a Bad Day

This has been a tough week. It started last weekend, seemed to improve a bit on Monday and then was a roller coaster of stress and sadness and exhaustion. But God helped me make it through. Seriously, it was an act of The Almighty.

And then this morning I discovered my child had lice. I know. Not that popular of a thing to admit online. But just FYI – lice like clean hair and little kids pass them around like the sniffles when they start going through an elementary school. That’s what started my bad weekend last week. We thought we took care of it. Now another kid has it. Argh. Time to disinfect and treat and do 8 zillion loads of laundry…again.

But you know what? I decided not to let this define our day. I decided that God had helped me make it through a terrible week so He would help me tackle this again.

If Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost (Luke 19:10, paraphrase), then maybe this day wasn’t lost. Maybe I can put on a smile and tackle all that we need to do without feeling like a leper.

So we cleaned the house and did our chores. I treated the vermin with a shudder and a prayer this will finally do the trick.

SAM_0992I unpacked two more boxes and hung pictures! The walls are screaming at me in their emptiness. Even if I move them later, they are up for now and it made the kids smile.

We went to buy pumpkins from a couple of boys who grow them themselves. They sell them and use good stewardship to save some, spend some, and donate some of the profits. Yay for supporting kids working for their money!

SAM_0991I baked pumpkin zucchini bread and took Lucy to the eye doctor. We discovered she needs glasses at least for the next year. Her growing eyes aren’t making the adjustment from reading up close to reading the board far away. He thinks she might outgrow it. She was excited to get something pink.

Today was not defined by the bad. It was defined by my choice to choose joy. It was redeemed by my choice to keep moving forward no matter what glitches arise. There was redemption in choosing to keep my focus on Jesus and not on pestilence and glasses and more laundry at the end of an exhausting week.

I’m thankful God helps redeem even my worst days. It’s just another example of His gracious love.

6 thoughts on “Redemption of a Bad Day

  1. Cheryl says:

    Oh, dear, lice. I’ve been there. All four of mine had them and it was pretty hard. But your are right–the only thing to do is just make the best of it. We had a particularly resistant group of bugs around here, so if you need any insight into eradication techniques, please PM me. I’ve tried them all!

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